Exiled Messenger (Exile)
2017, Archives/Library, Barracks/Bedroom, Bounty Hunters, Cantina, Casino, Chamber, Council Chamber, Dining Room, Dread Masters, Garden, Green, Jawas, Kitchen, Laboratory/Research, Lair, Mandalorians, Market, Medical, Neutral, Prison, Purple, Rakata, Red, Restaurant, Sanctuary, Shock, Sith, Strongholds, Temple, The Red Eclipse, Throne Room, Torture Chamber, Tribal, Yavin 4, Yavin 4 Temple
Back to Part 1 -> http://tord.mmo-fashion.com/silenyas-not-so-dark-temple-2017-part-1-the-red-eclipse/

I wanna do a little contest:
Count all pets (included the pet companions) in my stronghold on Yavin 4 and post the number here in the comments. No, companions are not all pets and cathar don’t count as pets, aswell. 😉
Mounts don’t count too.
To win:
1st Price: Complete Bastila Shan’s armor set
2nd: and 3rd price: Shae Vizla breastplate
4rd: Nekarr Tundra cat
Note: I can only send the goodies to winner on Red Eclipse.
Good luck!
Ok so I just had a look at one of the most beautiful Javin 4 Strong Holds I have ever seen. So incredibly well thought out. I counted 24 pets Shock. Hope I’m right;) Will most certainly drop by again:)
great stronghold, loved all the small set ups you’ve got around and is definitely a dark temple :p i counted 26 pets.
didnt realise how big this stronghold was but I counted 27 pets sneaky ones on the temple side caught me
just re-read the post about the droids, ill go with 25
i found 27 pets, playing on character “Zanius”
Sooo, i disolve the contest now. Needed to count myself moretimes, too
There are 26 pets. (I hope im not wrong,lol) Now the good message: you all have won!
The Nekarr Tundra Cat goes to -> “New Character”
A Shae Vizla’s Breastplate for each to -> Val, Kur’ak and Zanius
Aaaand the Bastila Shan’s Armor Set goes tooo…-> “Probin’you” !
Please write me with your charactername to “Silenya Frostheart” so i can send or trade the goodies.
Thank you all for participate and i hope you all had fun. 🙂
my character name is kur’ak, nice stronghold you have thought absolutely massive
Hi Shock:)
It’s Val here. Thank you very much for the feedback. It was fun exploring your beautiful stronghold. You may send it to Ritt Fonzo’laker. I have befriended you in game so i’ll see if your online. Keep well. Thank you kindly.
Kind Regards
My Apologies the worst case scenario happens and i counted wrong. :-O There are really 27 pets (the sneaky one got me too) but you can keep the already sended items. So the first price goes to Kur’ak! For the first posting with the right answer.
Added 2 more habits at several hidden places.

Could need more hooks there.