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Stronghold Labels

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How to Display Stronghold Labels

You can give each of your Strongholds a Title that you collect various ways (see table below). To do this, open the Strongholds Management Window on the Menu Bar.

Menu Bar

Click the down arrow on the Stronghold you want to Title.

Stronghold Management Window 2

Click the down arrow next to “Title:”

Stronghold Management Window 3

Choose the Title you wish for your Stronghold.


Your Stronghold will now display the new title in the Stronghold Management Window and in the Public Listings on Fleet.

Stronghold Management Window 4

Stronghold Title Sources

Chamber of DeceptionApprentice's Shadow Pack
Chamber of TruthMaster's Shadow Pack
Galactic StrongholdGiven free to subscribers and preferred players
Imperial SanctuaryStarfighter & PvP Decoration Vendor (1000 Warzone Commendations)
Jedi AcademyPub Light Side Vendor (10k credits – Light V)
Lair of ShadowsAcolyte's Shadow Pack
Marketplace CantinaSeneschal's Stronghold Pack
Pirate's RoostPilgrim's Shadow Pack
Republic SanctuaryStarfighter & PvP Decoration Vendor (1000 Warzone Commendations)
Sith AcademyImp Dark Side Vendor (10K credits – Dark V)
Smuggler’s HavenConstable’s Stronghold Pack
Starfighter’s LoungeStarfighter & PvP Decoration Vendor (500 Fleet Commendations)
Temple of DarknessPub Dark Side Vendor (10K credits – Dark V)
Temple of LightImp Light Side Vendor (10k credits – Light V)
Trade EmporiumArchitect's Stronghold Pack
Vacation RetreatGatekeeper’s Stronghold Pack
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9 years ago

And this was fast! Thanks!

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago
Reply to  Sisqi

You’re welcome. It wasn’t too difficult because there aren’t a lot of them yet.

9 years ago

You have these a bit jumbled up. Jedi Academy is Light Side vendor and Temple of Darkness is Dark Side vendor Rep side, while Temple of Light is Light Side vendor and Sith Academy is Dark Side vendor Imp side. All require rank 5 of their respective alignments.

Exiled Messenger
Exiled Messenger
9 years ago
Reply to  DogEyedBoy

They weren’t jumbled. They just weren’t complete. Thanks for the information.

9 years ago

I hope there are more fitting titles comming for “non faction interested characters” – like NS: ” logistics hub”. xD

9 years ago

Someone had ‘floating jewel’ how do you get that one?:)

9 years ago

I’m rather disappointed there isn’t a ‘Hideout’ title

9 years ago
Reply to  WildFire15


Brandon Kamp
Brandon Kamp
8 years ago

We need a new title. Something neutral… for my Force Academy on Yavin. 😉

Robert Payne
Robert Payne
8 years ago

I’m just disappointed that nothing Intelligence or Bounty Hunter related exists. Nothing suiting a place with a huge Mandalorian aesthetic, like my Nar Shaddaa stronghold has.

5 years ago

I want to call my train Murder on the Umbaran Express. Kind of disappointed they don’t just let us customize a name to whatever we want.

J Morrison
2 years ago

Just an update:

I purchased a Constable’s Stronghold Pack off the GTN just now and did NOT get a title from it. 450 mil in credits down the drain.

Very disappointing, and likely the other stronghold packs will have the same issue. :/