There are a number of Hook Layouts available to choose from depending on how large the area you are decorating is.
You can change the hook layout of an area through the Edit Mode menu “Layouts” tab. Areas that fit the Starship or Floor Covering cannot be changed. Ceilings and areas that only fit Small layouts also cannot be changed.

This layout has one Starship hook.

This layout has one Centerpiece hook.

Large & Medium Mix
This layout has one Floor Large surrounded by nine Floor Medium hooks.

Large Block
This layout has four Floor Large hooks.

Large Standard Arrangement
This layout has one Floor Large and nine Floor Small hooks. NOTE: If you place an item on the Floor Large hook, you can continue to place smaller items on the Floor Small hooks as long as they do not take up the same space as the Floor Large hook.

Medium & Narrow Columns
This layout has two Floor Medium hooks with four Floor Medium Narrow hooks on the top and bottom (or right and left).

Medium Block
This layout has four Floor Medium hooks.

Narrow & Small Cross
This layout has one Floor Medium hook surrounded by four Floor Medium Narrow in the shape of a cross and four Floor Small in the corners.

Small & Narrow Cross
This layout has four Floor Small surrounded by four Floor Medium Narrow and four more Floor Small at the corners.

Double Narrow
This layout has two Floor Medium narrow hooks.

This layout has two Floor Medium hooks.

Small & Narrow (A)
This layout has one Floor Medium Narrow and two Floor Small hooks.

Small & Narrow (B)
This layout is the same as Small &Narrow (A) except flipped 180 degrees.

Small Block
This layout has four Floor Small hooks.

Medium Narrow
This layout has one Floor Medium Narrow hook.

Small Pair
This layout has two Floor Small hooks.

This layout has one Floor Small hook.

Floor Covering
This layout has one Floor Covering.

Do you know anything about the “Massive Structure” (think that’s what it’s called) hook? None of the current Strongholds have this hook that I can see, but I saw two decorations that use it; Corellia/Coruscant (forget which one) Skyscraper and Unfinished Colossus. It doesn’t say where they come from and the tiny preview window doesn’t really help, but they look absolutely huge – the Unfinished Colossus seems to be the one from Dromund Kaas.
No, I’ve seen it listed, but haven’t been able to figure out where it’s hiding. I even had a separate page listed for it here, but deleted it until I am sure it exists.
Where did you see those two decorations? I’ve never seen them online or in-game. They’re not on
The new Yavin Combat Arena goes on either Massive Structure or Starship, indicating the MS hook is really a thing.