Exiled Messenger (Exile)
2017, Archives/Library, Bounty Hunters, Cantina, Casino, Chamber, Empire, Empire, Fire, Garden, Green, Jawas, Kitchen, Laboratory/Research, Lair, Mandalorians, Market, Medical, Purple, Rakata, Red, Restaurant, Shock, Sith, Strongholds, Temple, The Red Eclipse, Throne Room, Torture Chamber, Tribal, Yavin 4, Yavin 4 Temple
To Part 2 -> http://tord.mmo-fashion.com/silenyas-not-so-dark-temple-2017-part-2-the-red-eclipse/

i want a tour of your strongholds. when can we make it happen?
Usually its puplic listed for both sides. (A few jedis was missing on the last tour but im sure they only drank too much in the cantina *wink*)
On the fleet there is a terminal, in the stronghold section, where you can travel to.
I am online now, anyway 🙂
well. the stronghold is only listed when you are logged in – so we might as well do a tour. im on EST time – but id like to visit them in game if u can give a time today or tomorrow ill have to make a lvl 1 and get an invite. hence the real reason i want a tour – without an invite i cant get to the listings on fleet at lvl 1.
Okay, i just logged in. You can whisper to “Silenya Frostheart” and i will throw you an invite.
Can we possibly do it in a few hours? I won’t be able to log in for like 2-3 hours. I appreciate ya. if I get home sooner I’ll see if you’re on. hope to connect.
Thats fine for me.
was fun!
Yes it was! Thank you and the bantha milk was exquisite. 😉