Togruta Citizen (Female)

  • Source: Apprentice’s Shadow Pack
  • Stronghold Decoration: Personnel – Civilians
  • Hook Type: Floor Small, Floor Medium Narrow
  • Cost for Guild Stronghold Purchase: 25,000 credits

“The Togruta were a carnivorous humanoid species from the planet Shili. The species exhibited head-tails which were similar to those of Twi’leks. Togruta were also distinguished by montrals, large hollow horn-like projections from the top of their heads, that gave the species a form of passive echolocation. In order to protect themselves from dangerous predators, and to hunt their own prey, Togruta banded together in tribes and relied on their natural pigmentation to disrupt and confuse slow-witted beasts. Togruta worked well in large groups, and individualism was seen as abnormal within their culture, although it was also a necessary quality in leaders.” – Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki

Torgruta Citizen FemaleTorgruta Citizen Female 2 Torgruta Citizen Female