Izzel’s Vacation Retreat [redecorated] – Darth Malgus
- Manaan Retreat: Izzel’s Vacation Retreat [redecorated] on Darth Malgus
- Submitted by: Izzel
- Publicly Listed: Neutral
The retreat of the introvert, basically. Guests are welcome anyway. 🙂
More pics: https://imgur.com/a/ZrePJmZ
Old version: https://tord.mmo-fashion.com/izzels-vacation-retreat-darth-malgus/
All I can saw is wow… The new design is stunning and I am extremely impressed by your use of environmental. The relaxed atmosphere you wished to attain was 100% reached. Well done.
Thank you! Love your Manaan too. God knows how many times I browsed though all Manaans here and on youtube looking for inspiration 🙂
Thank you! Can’t tell you how much that means to me! 😀
That looks absolutely superb! Well done. ^_^
You’re a master of environmental manipulation. I had the pleasure of touring your stronghold yesterday, thanks for setting it to public!

What can I say, I do love trees. Thank you for visit and kind words!
Thanks! 🙂