Exiled Messenger (Exile)
5th Anniversary, Civic, Decorations, Events, Floor Medium, Floor Small, Galactic Seasons, Group B, Other Statues, Rewards, Sculptures, Season 1
- Source: 5-Year Anniversary Subscriber Reward
- Stronghold Decoration: Civic – Sculptures
- Hook Type: Floor Medium, Floor Small

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Quite possibly my favorite decoration ever.
Its neat, but they were incredibly lazy about the collision. They literally put a massive box around it that makes it impossible to go anywhere near the thing. So don’t use it in cramped areas, and you’ll be golden.
“Here Lies Swtor” 5th Anniversary Tombstone, only costs $900 in sub fees.
Swtor is the second highest grossing MMO out right now. While it doesn’t have WoW’s sub count it is still played. And yeah $900 looks like alot at face value but in reality the people that have actually been subbed since launch have been playing since then. In other words they don’t see it as $900. Besides that is chump change in comparison to a lot of WoW vets.
Grrr, my name is Cameron Meeker and I hate jokes.
Have these already been distributed or how do subscribers get them? I gother the posters they were just giving out with the various game/expansion loading screens on them, but I didn’t see any statue there when I got them…
They were distributed by in-game mail to accounts that had been subscribed continuously since launch.