Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Blue, Computers, Computers, Decorations, Empire, Floor Large, Red, Starfighter & PvP Decoration, Technological, Vendor
- Source: Starship & PvP Decoration Vendor
- Cost:
- 5 x Dark Projects
- 5 x Universal Prefab MK-3
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Computers
- Hook Type: Floor Large

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Where is this decoration at? It’s not at the Flagship Commissioner vendor. The same goes for the Imp/Pub supply crates, which aren’t at the PvP vendors.
Some decorations simply don’t exist ingame atm. They may add them in later
Ah, okay! Thanks for responding Dulfy! 🙂
Why the hell is there no imperial desk like the ones we see on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, etc…???
FINALLY getting this thing in the game!!
What are you talking about? They’re still not available.
It’ll be available on the 14th
And it’s not.
Where to Obtain:
Flagship Commissioner (Dark Projects)
But it’s not there. Remove this or change for “Currently not available”.
Fuck they STILL haven’t added this….
STILL not available.. Christ
They’re taking FOREVER addig the missing decos, not to mention about first breaking Cartel decos (Selkath Console, Hunter Table) and then not fixing for weeks…
Pretty sure any decos they left out of existing vendors will be re-routed to cartel packs.
Dulfy, is there any way of getting the devs to just put this in the game? It would take them one day at the most.
Coming Patch 3.1.1. – The following decoration has been added to their
appropriate faction Starfighter and PvP Decoration vendor. Their
purchase cost are 5 Dark Projects and 5 Universal Prefabs MK-3
I know that this is now available, but I love that people are always complaining about ‘missing’ decos. They aren’t ‘missing’. They were never officially added to the game. People find where they ‘drop’ from by hacking the games code.
Not really hacking the game code, it is usually written on the decoration editor where it is suppose to drop.
It is? That’s good to know. =)
They aren’t hacking anything. The decoration menu shows these items as available but they aren’t.
IT’S FINALLY COMING!!! Patch 3.1.1 woooooooo
Why the hell is it so expensive??????