Exiled Messenger (Exile)
4.0 Ops, Centerpiece, Decorations, Droids, Droids, Operations, Personnel, Scum and Villainy
- Source: Op: Scum and Villainy
- Stronghold Decoration: Personnel – Droids
- Hook Type:Centerpiece
- Cost for Guild Purchase: 50,000 credits
Submitted by: Murdertoys of The Red Eclipse

Submitted by: Benethorm of Tomb of Freedon Nadd

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Dont use it in medium hook, it’s really imposible to click to the hook after you put the deco. I had to remove all the decorations in the area for only change it to a large hook.
agreed i can t move it now ^^
you can if you use the Y and X keys to move the droid around…though it’s still suggested you use a medium one
How are you putting it on a medium hook? It says i can only put it on a centerpiece yet my guild has it in the main room on the flagship…
BioWare changed the hook requirements for four of the op drop decorations yesterday. They can no longer be placed on Floor Medium and Fllor Large and can only be placed on Centerpiece.
Those damn idiots. Would have been nice to have those not restricted to blasted centerpieces. Least my Nefra hasnt been changed i suppose.
Folks were complaining that their strongholds were overpowered and basically unfillable.