Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Data Crystals, Decorations, Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Small, Guards, Personnel, Rakata, Soldiers, Vendor
- Source: Decoration Merchant (Data Crystals)
- Cost: 50 x Common Data Crystal
- Stronghold Decoration: Personnel – Soldiers
- Hook Type: Floor Small, Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Medium

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As of today (10/21) he and the other new Rakata decorations are bound to legacy and cannot be donated to your guild through the guild bank… but there’s also no unlock option. 🙁 Hopefully this is an oversight and we’ll get a way to add him to guild strongholds!
small oversight on the resource. It cost Common data crystal and not glowing
What’s the point of lagacy bound decorations? They are unlocked to the whole legacy anyways, when used. Makes no sense at all.
It’s probably to prevent people from selling them on the GTN.
This + incentive to get common data crystals.