Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Centerpiece, Decorations, Floor Large, Large Sculptures, Machines, Technological, Ziost
- Source: GSI Vendor (Ziost Orbital Station)
- Cost: 6 x Ziost Memory Holographs
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Machines
- Hook Type: Floor Large, Centerpiece

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Anyone knows where to get it?
Teeana on the Ziost GSI Orbital Station. But seems to currently unlock the wrong decoration (http://tor-decorating.com/planetary-holo-map-ilum/)
Bought this thing on the GTN, and it unlocked a Planetary Holo Map (Ilum)!
Must be a bug. Let’s see what the support says…
It is bugged, hoping they fix it soon
I hope they dont 😛 haha I like the giant ilum map better
I’m guessing that the fix won’t remove it from your unlocked decorations – it figures there as the actual Ilum Map, so there’s no way for them to tell the authentic and bugged ones apart.
Just because the preview window of this game is a p. o. s. … the “real” People’s Tower Holo Terminal wouldn’t look much different!
Take a look at the Planetary Holo Map (Ilum) in the decorations preview window, it looks the same.
It que all y is a crap always bugging out. Right now whenever I want to look at a saber crystal I have to first preview a gun, switch back to a saber then see crystal cause the preview won’t let my character pull out his Saber otherwise….. it’s hard to even tell what the holo even shows because in preview doesn’t show any holo objects right
same, i bought one on the vendor and it unlocked the ilum one
Good to know. Last time i took a look at the GTN, the Ilum holomap was going 1,5m. Now, I can unlock a few more of them. 🙂
I don’t get why they made the little side “legs” yellow-ish…. ruined the decoration for me. In fact, why have them at all?
i love this thing,along with the 3th anniversary galaxy map it makes a great item for a control room