Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Achievements, Centerpiece, Civic, Decorations, KotFE, Models, Sculptures, Zakuul
- Source: Achievements – Fallen Knights of the Empire
- Stronghold Decoration: Civic – Sculptures
- Hook Type: Centerpiece
- Cost for Guild Stronghold Purchase: 175,000 credits
Submitted by: Varnarok of The Red Eclipse

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I wish they’d made this sized for a Large hook, would make a great centerpiece for a room (as opposed to a Centerpiece hook, which are rarely placed at the center of anything).
Looks good but was disappointed, it could quite easily be 2/3 times the size is it for centerpiece hook. Wanted it sitting on top of Yavin temple but it looks tiny up there. Would be better placed on a large given the size.