Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Decorations, Flashpoints, Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow, Hammer Station, Machines, Mine Carts, Tatooine, Technological
- Source: FP – Hammer Station
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Machines
- Hook Type: Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Medium

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I’ve Hammer Station 3 times today and didn’t get squat! Does it only drop in HM?
No, got it from the last boss in SM today.
Didn’t drop for me, 12 times, SM
Has anyone managed to pick this up yet? I’ve run SM 10 times… 5 times killing everything and 5 skipping everything I could run past and just killing bosses and I haven’t managed to get it – just wondering if I should bother to keep trying!
This dropped for us on first HM 55 run of Hammer Station off the Bonus Boss.
Seems like everything has a much higher chance to drop off HM bonus bosses… Guess I need to start doing more HMs again. Been trying to get everything solo so I don’t have to roll for it, but if things drops as rarely as they seem to solo then rolling against a few people is way better odds than say, running Red Reaper 70 times before a drop lol
Multiple SM runs solo – 0 drops.
Got this from the bonus boss on a HM run of Hammer Station. Only groupfinder run I’ve done lately.
This just dropped for me off the last boss in SM after 14 runs. So it does drop in SM just takes some time. I also rolled thru my 60s so not the same guy each time.