Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Data Cores, Decorations, Directive 7, Flashpoints, Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow, Green, Machines, Technological
- Source: FP – Directive 7
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Machines
- Hook Type: Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Medium
Submitted by: Grimth

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dropped on HM bonus boss
I was able to solo all bosses (save Mentor itself) on HM with my 180 geared sorc, core dropped of bonus boss on first and 2nd try. 100% chance drop, probably.
Mentor was a tough right. I got it on my fifth attempt on my 186 geared sage (and well geared healer companion). Sadly no decorations.
had same problem,no decorations drops from mentor,but some from the bonus boss. wonder if sm would be easier to do
I have yet to see a hard mode bonus boss fail to drop a decoration in any FP, so it likely is 100%. Devs probably made it rare for a Story Mode boss to drop it so the value doesn’t crash from 55s solo farming, but 100% from HM so people will want to form groups for those and do the bonus boss (and so only the exceptional 180’d-out can farm them solo).
it is possible. i happened to have one person running with me.
Drop on SM bonus boss too
100% drop rate ?
4 runs = only 2 cores so nope :/
I got 2 cores in 3 solo SM runs, and one from one HM run with a couple guildies.
7sm runs, zero cores :
just ran SM solo and got the core on the bonus boss
I’ve run HM twice and SM once. 100% drop from bonus boss and 50% drop from Mentor in HM, 0% for both in SM.
ive ran sm twice this morning, and ive gotten 2 from the bonus boss but none from mentor himself.
bonus boss is this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEr_X2BBCt4
Yeah figured out yesterday… the one that needs 493 objectives to unlock him 😉
Sadly didnt dropped decoration on SM and Im not sure if I can make HM run solo…
have to say this is one of my favorite decorations,ive 4 up in my medical room
Ran SM last night and this dropped on Mentor.
I can’t solo last boss with my vanguard dps :C but bonus boss was easy 😀
Got it first time in HM bonus boss
2 drops in a row (only ran this twice) from bonus boss in story mode. The blades whirl around, neat.
Is this item currently bugged? After putting them down on a medium narrow hook I can’t go back and even click on the hook anymore.
I’ve just experienced this problem myself. I put one down in my Yavin IV stronghold on a medium narrow hook and now it’s there permanently. I’ve tried everything to select it but it seems to have some invisible barrier around it which also covers up the medium narrow hook itself. I’m sure I could pick it up if I selected the Pick Up All Decorations option, but that would also pick up the other 874 decorations I currently have placed. Thankfully, I was able to decorate around it and leave it where its at but this seriously should be fixed.
You can pick it up if you zoom in all the way to one corner/side of the decoration