Makeb themed coruscant regulator outpost PART 1 – The Progenitor
- Coruscant Skyrise Apartment: Makeb themed coruscant regulator outpost PART 1 on The Progenitor
- Submitted by: Gguy
- Publicly Listed: Not Listed
Pffft, forgot to add the description, so here it is:
The war during the Makeb invasion (by the hands of the hutt cartel) taken its toll. During the Makeb occupation, the hutts bribed high ranking officials of the interstellar regulator mercenary company to act as their militia. Many regulators were againts this, but were either shot, or banished off world. Dustmord remained loyal to the regulators, they were his family since before the hutt occupation, though he highly disagreed with the decisions of his superiors, he still followed orders. After the hutts were defeated, the numbers of the Regulators were crippled, but they were still alive and kicking. Code-name “dustmord” and the rest of the regulators had continued their jobs by taking on new contracts across the galaxy. Their leaders being killed and their numbers being crippled put them on a serious setback, but they were able to slowly recover over the last 5 years. While most regulators remained on Makeb, Captain Dustmord had traveled to Coruscant, where he set up a regulator outpost for his squad.
Dustmord was born on Makeb, even before being taken into the regulators (after his family died) , and due to this he was homesick. In an effort to fight off his homesickness, he had send an order for their outpost to be “makebified” , so that he may always feel like at home. The regulators may be crippled, but it takes a bit more to fully take down one of the most armed and disciplined mercenary companies in the galaxy.
the last pic is a teaser for one of the next rooms, which will be there in part 2
Dustmord is always open to mercenary contracts, incase any of you wish to hire him for RP contracts =P.
dustmord being the regulator in charge of the outpost, and my character.