Custom Huttball Stand
- Source: Starfighter & PvP vendor
- Cost: 2,018 x Warzone Commendations
- Stronghold Decoration: Civic – Sculptures
- Hook Type: Floor Medium, Floor Large
- Interactive: You can throw the Huttball back and forth between your character and a friendly player. Whoever is holding it when it gets to Danger, will fly through the air when it blows up.
“Huttball was “a dangerous sport that captured the hearts and minds of the people on the Smuggler’s Moon of Nar Shaddaa” during the Old Republic era. The game pitted two randomly selected teams against one another in a no-holds-barred attempt to gain possession of the ball and bring it into the opposing team’s camp. Violence and cheating were encouraged in Huttball. Sponsored by the famed Giradda the Hutt, Huttball pitted some of the most powerful heroes in the galaxy in a contest with fame and fortune at stake.[1]” – Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki
Is it interactive? I would like to wander around my stronghold with a huttball hovering over my character 😛
Yes. This is much like a game of Hot Potato except its called “Hutt Potato”. When you click the ball, you receive it hovering over your head. After holding it for about 20 seconds you explode and sent flying into the air. When you pick it up for the first time you will get an ability in your ability book that will allow you to throw to a friendly player.
Did you try using the pass or kick huttball abilities while you had it?
2k of both comms? Dayum.
heres a few images hope that helps
stand by its own
Can’t wait for the Ratataki Onion and the Twi’lek Banana!
Is this out on live server yet?
No, it should be live next Tuesday.
This visual does not match the model in-game. I will post pictures of it later tonight.