Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Architect's Stronghold Pack, Cartel Market, Civic, Corporate Retreat Decoration Bundle, Decorations, Floor Large, Fountains, Jedi, Sculptures, Silver, Water
- Source:
- Stronghold Decoration: Civic – Sculptures
- Hook Type: Floor Large
- Cost for Guild Stronghold Purchase: 50,000 credits

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Do we know yet how decoration items like this one are obtained from Planetary Conquest Events? Are they random drops? I saw that the harvest-able crafting material decorations are obtained in lockboxes from Personal/Guild Rewards, but I don’t know where these are from.
Could you show it in scale for a character, that how big this fountain actually is?
Ohh… it’s not available yet. Well then, when it will be! xD
It’s coming with the next Stronghold Pack sometime in October.
Good ^^ It looks great, but I’m really curious about the size of it.
Either I completely missed it (even though I checked several times), or this has been removed from upcoming Seneschal pack and replaced with Blood fountain :/ I’ve been waiting for this fountain since I saw first preview… Was suppoused to be conquest reward, then Seneschal pack, now gone? Bioware needs to release it already. Blood fountain will only fit psycho-themed SIth strongholds, sculptured one was much more universal 🙁
Oh no, have they bumped this out of the Seneschal’s Pack to do the blood and fire fountain instead? Boo, I was looking forward to this one. Hope it comes soon.
Same here.
That’s why I didn’t manage to get one in my packs -_-
I’m starting to get rather frustrated about this.
It was one of the decorations shown in the preview so I have been waiting for several months now to obtain it. I planned and entire room in my stronghold around this and purchased cartel coins in order to buy the packs.
First it was bumped from a previous pack and now it is “Removed from Editor” along with Equipment Locker: Sleek. Come on, Bioware. I doubt I am the only person who is unhappy about this.
Lots of people unhappy about this. And I’m also unhappy about how small it may liekly be, seeing how tiny Blood Fountain is… Check Imperial Black Hole daily area, close to H4 entrance, Sculptural Fountain is placed there in its full (centerpiece) size and it’s beautiful, yet it seems like they’re only planning a dwarf version…
Honestly… while it is a little smaller then I had hoped, it still fits with my stronghold. Woulda been cool if it was a centerpiece, but for its hook, its not a bad looking one.
Yeah thankfully it’s noticeably bigger than the tiny Blood Fountain from Seneschal pack and crafted Jedi Fountain (seems to be filling Large Hook size in full), but its still a bummer this aint a centerpiece like all the original fountains on Corellia
Is it ingame now?