Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Computers, Computers, Decorations, Empire, Flashpoints, Floor Medium, Floor Medium Narrow, Maelstrom Prison, Red, Technological
- Source: FP – Maelstrom Prison
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Computers
- Hook Type: Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Medium

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Must be Maelstrom Prison hardmode. Did run through the storymode version didn’t get this decoration.
Not true, I literally just did an SM run and got it from the bonus boss. The reason you probably didn’t get it is because its not a guaranteed drop its totally random.
I did one run in Maelstrom SM without doing bonus and no drop. Second run did SM again and it dropped off the bonus boss.
Ok, did a sm run (solo it on level 55) and got 2 of them in the same run. Bonus boss + Kilran dropped it.
Er…. How do you get it if you’re Empire?…
Roll a pub toon…or GTN.
Im a retard
Had one of these drop on the bonus boss and a second on the end boss in SM (same and only run).
Does it drop from Solo Mode? Or rather, does Solo Mode FP even drop decos?
yea there are some information about it ?
Any one get it ? if yes from what mode ? HM ? or it can be dropped in Solo ?
Dropped, strangely enough, from the last boss of the Foundry, in solo mode.
Also dropped from the last boss of Maelstrom Prison, solo mode.