Exiled Messenger (Exile)
Bounty Hunters, Bronze, Cartel Market, Computers, Decorations, Floor Large, Floor Medium, Interactive, Outer Rim Explorer's Pack, Technological, Terminals
- Source: Outer Rim Explorer’s Pack
- Stronghold Decoration: Technological – Computers
- Hook Type: Floor Medium, Floor Large
- Interactive: Press keyboard and your character will type for 30 sec while it counts down and says your are acquiring bounties
- Cost for Guild Stronghold Purchase: 25,000 credits

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30 seconds? That’s forever!
Just got one in a cartel pack. Put it up in Nar Shaddaa (because where else would it go, right?) And it’s actually pretty sweet. I really appreciate it being interactive. Granted it’d be nice to be able to score the daily during bounty week, but I will take “can interact with’. Good investment!