Bane of Onderon – Sith Sanctum – T3-M4
Harrower-Class Imperial Dreadnaught
Submitted by: Freedon Nadd – T3-M4
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“Bane of Onderon” is the personal Flagship to Freedonnadd, Elite of the Sith Council and Reincarnation of the great Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. He is head to the Sith Pyramid of Ancient Knowledge and therefore a enthusiastic seeker of ancient technologies and mysterious artifacts.
Picture 1-7: Sith Sanctum I: Chamber of Sith Alchemy: Massassi Gardens. Here the Sith Lord interbreeds on an new Race of Massassi, destined to be his personal elite killer squadron.
Picture 7-12: Sith Sanctum II: Throne Room, Meditation Chamber with Sith Artifacts.
Picture 14-15: View down to the Hangar