Aside from Yavin and ships all centerpiece hooks are outside WTF, am I supposed to build my council chambers outside? where did the “chambers” word end up then?! Hey Jedi friends bw wont let me get the war table inside so lets just take our meeting outside where someone can spy on us, or shoot us from the distance, it doesn’t matter if we get all the neighboors and driver’s attention with our debate, we need to get this shit done.
Yeah but Manaan is much less likely to be a place the Jedi council convene vary often especially to discuss matters of war, plus it would probably look very out of place next to all of Manaan’s blues, whiles and greys.
7 years ago
CENTERPIECE??? This deco is WORTHLESS! Only inside place I can use this is the ship garage on Tatooine..makes no sense!
Another nice item wasted because the hook size is wrong.
7 years ago
seriously? make it LARGE hook size and we can then throw some chairs around it at least. whos in charge of this stuff? the persons a moron.
Maxim Lancater
5 years ago
With the new update 6.1 we are introduced to a new stronghold on Alderaan. This stronghold has at least 6 Centerpiece’s inside and many 15+ outside. It also has 4 star ship pieces.
Aside from Yavin and ships all centerpiece hooks are outside WTF, am I supposed to build my council chambers outside? where did the “chambers” word end up then?! Hey Jedi friends bw wont let me get the war table inside so lets just take our meeting outside where someone can spy on us, or shoot us from the distance, it doesn’t matter if we get all the neighboors and driver’s attention with our debate, we need to get this shit done.
Manaan has Centerpieces Inside the Building
Yeah but Manaan is much less likely to be a place the Jedi council convene vary often especially to discuss matters of war, plus it would probably look very out of place next to all of Manaan’s blues, whiles and greys.
CENTERPIECE??? This deco is WORTHLESS! Only inside place I can use this is the ship garage on Tatooine..makes no sense!
That’s a starship hook.
Another nice item wasted because the hook size is wrong.
seriously? make it LARGE hook size and we can then throw some chairs around it at least. whos in charge of this stuff? the persons a moron.
With the new update 6.1 we are introduced to a new stronghold on Alderaan. This stronghold has at least 6 Centerpiece’s inside and many 15+ outside. It also has 4 star ship pieces.