Adiira’s Stronghold – Begeren Colony
Tatooine Homestead
Submitted by: Adiira Serduena – Begeren Colony
Publicly Listed
Adiira has always loved Tatooine, so there was no question that she would establish a home there. The cliff-side rooms are her private apartments, with an artificer’s work space, a private bedroom, and balcony living space and conference chamber for a few select guests.
The outdoor spaces and halls downstairs are more public areas. In the lower courtyard a crystal garden blooms near the private apartment entrance, and Adiira’s ship is docked in the hangar bay to the side. On the upper level, a large fountain moderates the desert heat in the entertaining patio. Beyond that there is a science center for her work with ores and crystals, and a small barracks to house the Imperial squad that Quinn insists on for defense. The hall off of the patio serves as a sculpture gallery.
Outside the main compound, a tribe of Jawas has set up camp in hopes of trading with the wealthy Imperial.
((This is a work in progress – eventually it will be an Imperial Sanctuary rather than a Stronghold.))
Love the Stronghold, Adiira. So awesome.