Yavin Temple Fountain
- Source: Apprentice’s Shadow Pack
- Stronghold Decoration: Civic – Sculptures
- Hook Type: Floor Medium Narrow, Floor Medium
- Cost for Guild Stronghold Purchase: 75,000 credits
“Yavin 4 was one of three habitable moons orbiting the gas giant Yavin. It was mainly covered in jungle and rainforest, and despite being remote and unheard of, it would play an important role in galactic events, including the seduction of Jedi Knight Exar Kun to the dark side and the destruction of Sith Lord Freedon Nadd during the Great Sith War, a ferocious duel between Jedi and Sith during the Clone Wars, and serving as the base of the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Battle of Yavin and as a battlefield in other battles of the Galactic Civil War. An attack was launched on the Death Star from this moon. It also became the base for a Jedi Academy after the war ended.” – Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Yavin_4
Nice, another fountain! Can’t quite tell what it’ll look like in person from the preview picture, since the preview shows no water, but maybe if I walk around Yavin I’ll find something like it.
Is this the missing decor of the set? or you havet just uploaded a picture featuring it? lol
Neither Dulfy or I got it on live. When Dulfy got it on the PTS, it didn’t have any water in it. We just want to wait until we get it on live to make sure that’s how it’s supposed to look.
Maybe they removed it. It was the only decoration on Dulfy’s list that I didn’t get in three hypercrates. Didn’t get it in my fourth either.
small and no effect just a bowl filled with water….
should be re-named Yavin Bird Bath 😀
Oh. I’ll place little bird Vette next to it. Chirp chirp chirp.
I was thinking that would be how it turned up since the one in TOS was more than just the bowl showing in the preview. Awful rare and overpriced for what it is.
My thought as well 🙂 I kind of wish it didn’t have the same fountain sound effect as the other fountains, because even though the water ripples, there’s nothing jumping or trickling. Still, it’s much more subtle than the other fountains, and I wish it weren’t so rare/expensive because I’d put a bunch around my strongholds.
Its definitely in the packs, I got one and my boyfriend got one as well.
no waterflow … meh